Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A possible solution for your Personal Hotspot on working on #iPad 3 - Again, an #Apple product doesn't "Just Work".


For the life of me, I couldn't get my Personal Wi-Fi hotspot to work on my iPad 3. I could connect, but no data. It was p*ssing me off, quite frankly. I was just about to call Apple for support on the subject, which is something I haven't done except when I know something is broken - but decided to try and troubleshoot the problem one more time myself. And I fixed it.

Here is what I discovered:
If there is an apostrophe in your device's name, you can connect but data won't transfer. My iPad 3's name was "Brian's iPad". When I changed it to BPad - Voila! It works!

In typical Apple fashion, they provide few options and do not give the user the ability to name their Wi-Fi Hotspot SSID directly. Instead, they use whatever name the user gave to their iPad. They apparently didn't test this very thoroughly. I am guessing apostrophe's are not permitted in SSIDs.

So if you are having WiFi Hotspot connection issues, check your iOS device's name to see if it has an apostrophe in it. You can change it in Settings - General - About - Name.

Once again, Apple doesn't 'Just Work'.

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