Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In San Diego, CA 2/3 major ISPs have bandwidth caps. Time Warner Cable = No Caps, AT&T U-Verse & Cox = Capped. Go TimeWarner if you can.

After learning that Cox and AT&T U-Verse have data limits, I am changing my Internet Service Provider to Time Warner Cable's Roadrunner service.  This decision is not about wanting to download or uploaded massive amounts of data - it is about supporting a company that is not trying to squeeze more money out of its hapless customers who don't have the foresight to realize that the amount of data we are going to use is going to become greater as time goes by.

I understand that Time Warner is testing a tiered pricing plan in Texas based on usage - but it is an additional service to their existing service offerings in an attempt to offer lower prices to light Internet users.  I am ok with that.  They are trying to find a way to provide inexpensive service to people who scarcely use the Internet while promising to always maintain unlimited bandwidth service options.

Also - I am going to try out the 50Mbps/5Mbps service on TWC.  Not only do AT&T U-Verse and Cox have data caps, AT&T doesn't support the speed (in my area) and Cox wants to charge $90 for installation whereas Time Warner is free.

Go Time Warner Cable where you can - please!

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