Thursday, November 10, 2011

Logitech Reveals Poor Dedication to Customers and Quality in Criticism of Google TV

The Verge today (link below) is reporting that Logitech is not mincing words in their dissatisfaction with Google TV. As an owner of Logitec's Revue, I can say that Google TV does seem to be designed by an engineer and is overly complex - or it was rushed out the door, which seems to be Logitech's position.

I am a techie and can use my Logitech Revue fine, but I bought it primarily to stream movies and have had mediocre success - which is Logitech's app failure, not a shortcoming of Google TV. I also bought an Apple TV and a Boxee Box. The Apple TV was just plain useless since I haven't invested in Apple's content, but the Boxee Box plays every movie file I have, plus it does everything the Apple TV does - and then some (yea Boxee Box!).

Google TV hasn't been what it could have been, but I think Logitech is jointly responsible in their low sales by failing to deliver a decent media streaming app. And now that I think about it, I am fairly certain Logitech's media streaming app launched as a beta, presumably so the Revue could tout media streaming at launch in time for Christmas last year - and it has yet to be finished, a year later. So maybe Logitech should take some responsibility for their own disappointment. After all, Boxee Box has continued to advance their platform at a lower (initial) price point just fine.

Logitech's recent statement also speaks volumes about their dedication to quality. Instead of refusing to sell what they state now was a substandard product, they allowed people to buy it, presumably because they didn't want to lose money on what they had manufactured. In light of this, I will think twice about buying Logitech in the future. Fortunately I already knew of Google's frequent initial launch shortcomings and bought the Revue after it dropped to $99 and I don't feel that Google let me down with the Revue, though I could see how early adopters may have a different opinion.

I am just hoping that the Revue will still be upgraded to Honeycomb and Logitech hasn't thrown their hands up completely. Apparently a 3rd party developer has a media streaming app that delivers on what Logitech should have. If Logitech doesn't deliver Honeycomb, then they will be of my list for good because they will have shown a severe lack of customer dedication.

From The Verge:
To make the long story short, we thought we had invented [sliced] bread and we just made them. [We made a commitment to] just build a lot because we expected everybody to line up for Christmas and buy these boxes [at] $300 [...] that was a big mistake.

Link to The Verge Post:
Logitech CEO: Google TV 'cost us dearly,' no Revue replacement coming

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