Saturday, March 31, 2012

I Couldn't Agree More: RIM Doesn’t Need BlackBerry 10 — It Needs a Time Machine

The CEOs of RIM missed what was coming so badly that the smack down they've received seems like a sucker punch.  But really they were just plain ignorant.  I mean, at one point they said that Blackberries would NEVER have a camera.  Isn't the iPhone the #1 most used camera in the world now?  They also thought that their secure back end messaging and physical keyboards would carry them.  As if no one else could deliver such things AND all the other stuff too.

They are so far behind in the mobile game now that they do indeed need a time machine.  Maybe they have some patents that Android could use.

RIM Doesn’t Need BlackBerry 10 — It Needs a Time Machine


I couldn't disagree more - Amazon is stifling the e-commerce revolution

The majority of Internet shoppers want the lowest price - period.  And Amazon provides a competitive forum for that.  And by the way, #2 is eBay (you have to read the article) where people bid for the lowest price.  Thats why customer service is a pale shadow of itself from years gone by.  If people want an 'experience' they will to a physical store that caters to them.  


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Article: Google may launch third-party comment platform to rival Facebook

Sweet!  That's probably my favorite thing about Facebook.  It enables me to tag my nonsense onto other people's work.

Google may launch third-party comment platform to rival Facebook

(Sent from Flipboard)

Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I give up on YouTube.

The stars have to align just right for me to get a solid 1 minute of
video out of YouTube. Not counting paid content or movie trailers.
Basically commercials work awesome. Average Joe videos, not so much.
Funny thing: Netflix - flawless. Hulu - flawless. Vevo - flawless.
On my 18Mbps connection every other streaming service works

Google obviously has some sort of bandwidth throttling going on with
the intention of giving the best service to the most users, and to
paid content, but from where I am sitting, they are failing. I
honestly don't know why I bother anymore. Free only goes so far. At
this point I feel like I have to use tools that download the YouTube
videos in their entirety first if I want to watch a YouTube video.


I would consider pointing the finger of blame at local ISPs, but given
that 1080p movie trailers on YouTube work fine, ISPs being to blame
just doesn't seem likely. I wonder if a Chrome bandwidth metering
extension could help. Keep that data 10 good seconds ahead of the
video being played.

Something. Anything!

Been using iPad 3 since the 16th. Yesterday picked i up iPad 2 and its screen looked really poor. I didn't think that would happen.

iPad 3 heat levels Low-Down.

Minutes after starting the iPad 3 it is warmer than any tablet I have used across a broader area of the tablet, and I have used many extensively.  Once in a case, its barely noticeable - if at all.  All this attention is much ado about nothing.  UNLESS it causes the iPad 3 to crap out earlier when using outside in the sun, which I had the iPad 1 do to me under not-so-hot temperatures.  No one seems to testing that little gem of a possible limitation.  Otherwise the iPad 3's heat has been a nice companion on these cold early spring days.  But again, let's be strait.  It is warmer than pretty much any tablet out there in within a minute or two of turning on - but its not a big deal.

Inline image 1

Monday, March 26, 2012 Study Shows 87% of iPhone 4S Users Use Once A Month


And in a related study, 99% of iPhone 4S users have used Siri in the past 6 months. What broad adoption! Siri rocks! Except in your car over Bluetooth. It doesn't work for sh*t there. Which ironically is really where it would be the most handy.

$10,000 iTunes Gift Card Winner


WTH is this gal going to buy with $10k in iTunes credit? That's like $50k credit at the bowling alley.

Why Do Domain Registrars Punish Persistent Customers?

Internet domain registrars all seem to charge you less if you are a new customer which really ticks me off.  On general principal I move my domains to a new registrar every renew cycle.  It's a pain, but I have to let them know the best way I know the way I feel the best way I know how - with my $.  So far seems to have the best ongoing pricing with any hassles - but they STILL value new customers more than existing customers with discounts for new registrations.

Does anyone know of a registrar that doesn't do this?  (and doesn't charge through the nose)

Angry Birds Space Feels Like a Bait and Switch

Angry Birds has moved to a premium-freemium model. Gotta pay more to
get past the first two 'levels'. The description in the App Store
states this, but you have to click 'more' to see it. I would not have
bought the game knowing this was the case. I'm really becoming
disenfranchised with the whole App scene - especially when a market
trend setter is opting for this path for greater revenue.

When you have to read every ounce of description to know you are not
getting suckered, there is something wrong with the business ethics on
the App Store and now Rovio has firmly planted their flag in the App
Store Junk Yard.
